Bringing you all sorts of useful money-making methods. Trying different ways to make money and sharing the results with you. After working traditional jobs all my life I came to the conclusion that there are too many ways out there to make money to depend on a boss. Now I spend my days finding the best ways to make money and sharing them with you. This channel is for anyone that has ever needed a few extra dollars or even wanted to try something new that can help them to quit their job. a job means just over broke and I will not do it anymore. This channel was made way back in 2007 and back then it was a lot different. Going forward videos will be all about ways to make money but there may still be some old variety channel stuff that will slowly be removed as the channel grows. You may also see that there are a number of videos related to not only making money but trying out products that are supposed to help you make money in one way or another