I am a humble female soul & servant of lord Krishna & his divine feminine inner potency and counterpart Radaharani- I am on this suffering earth trying to spiritually evolve out of my earth karma ,maya & suffering..Krishna get me out of this material world of fraud ,ignorance,illusion,deception & perversion..In my humility i get lost,god help me to find my inner center ,my inner peace..thru my devotion to you strengthen in me my hope & faith, so that i can be one with you at all times. in this moment almighty lord, i give myself to you.. i ask for mercy ,forgiveness, & the removal of all doubt, fear and anger so i can feel,resonate and become the victory of your presence within me..i am that i am .hare Krishna ! **me**

~ Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls,
your ego goes with it. ~

"When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous."
Albert Einstein quote-