I started out with my dad's Sharp VHS camcorder in 1990. My 1st movie was called John's Cafe and Studio. It was like episodes of both The Monkees and The Twilight Zone combined. There were other episodes that followed for the next 5 years.

My next camcorder was a Sony Mini-DV. This was used from 2002- 2007. Also used was the Motorola Photon smartphone with upgraded Android giving it full 1080p HD. Current camcorders are the Sony PJV-650 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with 4K video resolution quality. This is being used to created the outstanding video you see.
I honor all requests so if you would like parts of your video deleted I will do so. If you want quality edited video productions, please contact IPxG by eMail or Facebook for booking and compensation agreements. Do not write me here. I do not use Google+ for anything. If you would like video shot for a future event, please give me plenty of notice again by eMail or Facebook.


Shared 5 years ago



Shared 8 years ago