Housmans Bookshop: not-for-profit, worker-run, living wage paying, solar powered, radical booksellers since 1945. Find us at 5 Caledonian Road, King's Cross, London N1 9DX. www.housmans.com
75 videos
Housmans Events
3 videos
Resisting Nationalism
59 videos
As Far as the Eye Can Sing
8 videos
The Nightingale's Code ~ John Gibbens
7 videos
Leslie Ray ~ English Folk Songs
2 videos
Stopping Kingsnorth Power Station
Merlin Coverley
Violent London with Clive Bloom
Tom Vague: The London Free School 1966-68
12 videos
The Postmodern Condition
Debord Society of the Spectacle
5 videos
Derrida and Deconstruction
Dockers and Detectives
Blake London's Visionary Anarchist
4 videos
End of Certainty
Clear Red Water
9 videos
The International School of Bottom Up Organizing ISBO
Paul Mason
No Sweat
Green Left
Susan Richardson
Sue Mayer debates Atheism and Feminism
Dave Douglass
10 videos
Out of Step
23 videos
The Elevator Gallery
Charter 88
Nawal El Saadawi