Nina The Ambulance Camper & Other Stories

Nina has been with me 8 years this year (2018). In that time she has been many things, a dog van, a removal van, a mobile meeting room, and of course a camper van. In 2017 she was officially registered as a Motor Caravan. When I designed my first conversion, I was a pet photographer attending rescue dog shows and I designed her to be able to carry all my gear in the back, leaving a living area for me to use if I attended the day before and needed to camp.

No longer a professional photographer and no longer attending the shows, it was time for a change. Needing some bodywork done I removed the interior, sold a lot of it off and had the bodywork done by my good friend Austin from Scudo Camper.

She’s back, and about to have her second conversion done !

It’s not all about Nina though, Nina has friends and some videos will be about them. There will also be some reviews going up of things that I use to bring you this channel.

Enjoy :).