Tanguísimo Tango Space 探戈藝文沙龍

FB Page 粉專: bit.ly/tanguisimoFB
Website 官網: www.tangotaiwan.com/

Tanguísimo Tango Space, first Argentine tango studio in Taiwan, founded in 2008. The director of the studio, Daniel Liu, started dancing and promoting tango in 1997, co-founded the Taipei Tango Festival in 2003, and co-founded Tanguísimo. The studio is located at MRT Zhongxiao Dunhua Station of Taipei, and offers milongas, prácticas, tango lessons, concerts and cultural talks.

探戈藝文沙龍創立於 2008 年,為台灣第一間專門阿根廷探戈教室及藝文空間。共同創辦人劉心岳於 1997 年開始接觸並推廣探戈,2003 年共同創辦台北國際探戈節。探戈藝文沙龍座落於台北東區忠孝敦化站,常態舉辦探戈舞會、練習、課程,不定期邀請現場樂團演奏,並舉辦文化講座。