I stared editing in november 2009. At that time I don't know anyone and my knowledge about edting was 0. Gradually, however, creating AMV (50% never published online), and looking at many videos every day, my experience grew and slowly I edit (it tooks me three weeks of editing) my first "real" AMV: "The End of Heroes". In the 2011, I managed to create an AMV, Dream Machine, that finally gave me big satisfactions. It allowed me to won some awards, that you can see in the video awards section of the site, but ,especially, with it I managed to take part of this fantastic studio, the Revived Studio, the best goal that i reached so far. Recently I've upgraded my hardware, from a slow 2004 laptop, to a new desktop pc that i called RaptorX, to have better performances in editing and encoding. I'd say that I'm delighted to be in this studio, with some makers who "made history" and which have always inspired me, I'm the "rookie" of the team, but I hope to learn quickly and get close to their level! Bye all!
Org's Profile:
Revived Studio (RvS):