Yvonne Sleutelberg

I love creating things. Whether it's making memes, photo editing, writing lyrics and stories, crocheting and knitting my own designs, drawing and painting or photography and making videos. Making videos has become a lot easier these days thanks to the current techniques. While making videos I like getting inspired by my other passions: music, nature, travel, humor and language. I will try to upload a new video every Friday about one of these topics or something else that inspires me. I have been a drummer and a singer for many years and I recently started playing the guitar. I've lived in Belgium and in Norway and right now I live in the Netherlands again. I speak Dutch, English and Norwegian. And I am a great admirer of the music of Dutch guitarist & songwriter Adrian Vandenberg.

Yvonne Creator Videomaker Musiclover 

Hi guys,
Some of you might have noticed that I am deleting a part of the music on my channel. The reason why is explained in this video. Thank you for understanding and for all your great reactions to my music videos 🙏.
Love & peace ❤️

9 months ago | [YT] | 0

Yvonne Creator Videomaker Musiclover 

Hi guys!
Here is my first ever Community Post on YouTube 😊! Sorry that I haven't been posting any new content in such a long time. I had a rough week. Infact I had a rough year up til now 😅. But I did buy a new desktop especially for video editing. I was very surprised when I turned it on for the first time and saw this cosy mini disco! And you know what? Even the power button has a coloured light 😊
Hope to be back soon with more content!
Yvonne ❤️

10 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 6