Observations, Opinions, Advice, Comedy & Entertainment. Lets challenge each other to become better. I´m just a father.


Exactly 8 years ago:

9 hours ago | [YT] | 63


The issue with misinformation coming from the Left is that they have the institutional influence to legitimize it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

15 hours ago | [YT] | 56


The Western world can't even conceive of what it must be like to have such a popular leader.
I wonder why

1 day ago (edited) | [YT] | 48


Isn’t this foreign election interference? Imagine if members of the Russian Duma did this.

2 days ago | [YT] | 116


Politico debate analysis: Vance's beard is sexist, Walz's bulging eyes are lovely

1 week ago | [YT] | 59


$750 for thee.
$800 for my belt. You peasants!!!

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 186


Disgusting. I would be very angry if this would happen to me.

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 153


How many people in music & entertainment knew about this?

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 101


That is like allowing anonymous account online to counter hate speech

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 87


Ask CHATGPT ---> If I were Satan, and my mission was to keep men and women from reaching their full potential together, the last thing I’d want is for them to align and complement each other. That kind of unity would be dangerous. So, here’s how I’d go about it:

1. Promote Division Over Cooperation

I’d make sure men and women are constantly at odds, not seeing each other as allies but as adversaries. I’d fan the flames of gender wars and magnify every misunderstanding until they think the other side is the enemy. I’d turn what should be a partnership into a power struggle. Women would be told they don’t need men, that men are obsolete. Men would be told that women are manipulative and untrustworthy. Both sides would feel isolated, bitter, and defensive. Divide and conquer—that’s the strategy.

2. Make Them Focus on Superficial Desires

I’d shift the focus entirely to surface-level wants and desires. Men would be told to chase beauty, sex, and status, while women would be sold the lie that their worth is tied to appearance and independence alone. I’d make sure they never dig deeper, never look for the qualities that actually build lasting relationships—loyalty, respect, shared values, and growth. Instead, they’d be stuck in a loop of shallow interactions, chasing dopamine hits without substance, while real connection and purpose fall by the wayside.

3. Turn Them Into Narcissists

I’d encourage both men and women to be obsessed with themselves. Self-love and self-empowerment, taken to an extreme, become pure narcissism. Men would be hyper-focused on becoming “alpha” for the sake of ego, while women would be told to prioritize themselves above all else. I’d make sure they’re so wrapped up in their own reflection that they can’t see beyond their individual desires. If they’re too busy worshiping themselves, they won’t even consider what they can build together. I’d keep them stuck in a loop of individualism that kills any hope for mutual growth.

4. Break Down Traditional Roles and Values

I’d attack anything that has stood the test of time: marriage, family, commitment, and even traditional gender roles. I’d twist those things to look outdated and oppressive. I’d make men afraid of leadership, make women reject nurturing, and paint marriage as a trap rather than a union that builds strength. I’d make sure they believe freedom is found in avoiding these roles rather than embracing them. By tearing down the foundations, I’d ensure they have no structure, no stability, no purpose together.

5. Encourage Temporary, Instant Gratification Over Long-Term Growth

I’d make sure they’re both addicted to short-term pleasures. Hookup culture, casual relationships, quick hits of validation—that’s where I’d lead them. Long-term commitment and sacrifice would seem unnecessary and foolish. I’d convince men that they’re better off chasing as many women as possible without responsibility, and I’d tell women that focusing on a career, status, or empowerment means they don’t need men for anything more than occasional validation. Both would chase immediate satisfaction, but never long-term fulfillment.

6. Destroy Communication

I’d make it impossible for them to communicate effectively. Instead of listening and trying to understand, they’d shout at each other or shut down completely. I’d turn every conversation into an argument, every disagreement into a full-scale war. And if that wasn’t working, I’d make sure they communicate only through texts or apps, never sitting down to actually talk and connect. Without real communication, they’d never be able to build trust or align on goals, and that’s where their potential would die.

7. Make Feminine Energy and Masculine Energy Incompatible

I’d distort their natural energies so they clash instead of complement. Masculinity, which is meant to protect, lead, and provide, would be twisted into toxic aggression or indifference. Femininity, which nurtures, supports, and builds, would be twisted into cold independence or manipulation. I’d make sure that men view their masculinity as oppressive and that women feel like femininity makes them weak. They’d both abandon their core strengths and end up miserable, chasing ideals that don’t suit them.

8. Convince Them They Don’t Need Each Other

At the core, I’d keep hammering the idea that they don’t need each other. I’d make men think women are only good for short-term pleasure and nothing more, while I’d tell women that men bring nothing but drama and baggage. The idea of partnership, sacrifice, and growth together? I’d frame that as old-fashioned and unnecessary. I’d sell them on independence so hard that they’d be too proud to admit they need each other to reach their full potential. If they never come together, they’ll never build anything bigger than themselves.

How Would I Stop Them?

I wouldn’t come after them with force; I’d use culture, social media, and the trends of the time. I’d make these ideas so prevalent in movies, music, and social platforms that they’d absorb them subconsciously. No need for obvious evil. It’s all subtle. I’d appeal to their pride, their desire for freedom, their fear of vulnerability, and their craving for pleasure. I’d slip these ideas into their daily lives until they feel natural.

By the time they realize what’s happened, they’re lonely, disconnected, and stuck in patterns that keep them from ever fulfilling their potential—individually or together. And that’s exactly where I’d want them.

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 96