I do not tolerate such bad behavior nor do any of my content promote such unsuitable material. Best show: Regular Show Best movie: Twister Best video game: Any good Mario games Worst show: Breadwinners Worst movie: Sausage Party
90 videos
Funny videos
Austin Dickerson (2001Tiger)
96 videos
Christian Maracle’s sin videos that use “Wa wa!”
99 videos
Movies I saw in theaters since 2007
115 videos
My favorite highlights in all of high school football!
52 videos
Screw these videos!!
5 videos
Movies that I am excited for or wether I’m interested in
36 videos
These songs rock ultra hard!!!
105 videos
22 videos
Stuff I can totally respect their opinions on
Most underrated films or guilty pleasures
2 videos
Underrated songs
273 videos
THESE MOVIES ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Movies I was excited for, but let me down
10 videos
Top Ten Favorite Superhero Movies!
13 videos
Worst superhero movies I’ve ever seen.
15 videos
These movies I'm OK with/neutral over!
These shows suck
-1 video
Biggest disappointments ever
8 videos
Funniest soccer chants! 😂😂😂😂
17 videos
Best movie sequels I’ve ever seen
4 videos
Movies I like that everyone hates