Pilentum Television is the largest international YouTube channel for model railroading and model trains. Pilentum Television specializes in producing high-quality videos on model railroad layouts around the world. The philosophy of the videos is to present beautiful miniature worlds and dioramas only. Therefore, Pilentum Television does not offer instructions in model railroading and does not offer tutorials how to build scale models or how to weather miniature trains. Pilentum Television is run by Markus Lenz - director, cinematographer and film producer - who lives in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Pilentum Television is absolutely independent: There are no sponsors and there is no influence marketing!

Pilentum Television United States
» www.pilentum.de/en-us/index.htm

Pilentum Television Canada
» www.pilentum.de/en-ca/index.htm

Markus Lenz
60314, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
E-Mail: post @ pilentum-television.com