This is the official channel of, however the website is no longer active. The channel is run by Stephen Fox, aka Billtvshow, and has several types of content...

This Is Bill:
This Is Bill is a comedy series that traces its roots to the 1980's. It features skits, stunts, and pranks all done with our brand of humor. Our videos have been featured on TV shows worldwide, including Tosh.0 and AOTS.

Rock Band:
We also produce creative vids based around the video game Rock Band (RB). Stephen is the #1 vocalist in the world in RB 1 and once held over 90% of the 1st places (800+) on all songs in RB 2. He also had the first documented FGFC's of RB 1, RB 2, TBRB, LRB, GDRB, and RB4. Tyson is also accomplished at RB vocals, holding 2nd place in RB 1.

We occasionally produce vlogs, such as our popular Q & A series.

Stephen sometimes does covers of songs with backing tracks or acoustic accompaniment.

Please check our of stuff and subscribe if you want to see more!