I realise I have made a sudden stop to making Zelda Minish cap walkthroughs, that is because my emulator just won't allow me to do them anymore, they took up a lot of time, so yeah. Sorry about that.
Okay, so Dissidia videos are currently okay to be running, so yeah, that's great ;D Here are the guides I have currently completed:
#1 - The Emperor
#2 - Cloud of Darkness
#3 - Kefka
#4 - Firion
#5 - Terra
#6 - Golbez
#7 - Kuja
#8 - Jecht

List of the order I plan to do the rest of the guides in:
#9 - Zidane (the nine was coincidence x3)
#10 - Warrior of Light
#11 - Cloud
#12 - Exdeath
#13 - Squall
#14 - Onion Knight
#15 - Sephiroth
#16 - Bartz
#17 - Tidus
#18 - Cecil
#19 - Garbranth
#20 - Shattonto
#21 - Garland
#22 - Ultimecia
That is the plan so far, but I will be more than happy to take requests for characters earlier than planned in the list
Enjoy :3


Shared 15 years ago