ZTYLEZ 於 2017 年成立,聚焦時尚與藝術資訊的多元化平台。專業團隊融合國際視野,結合本土文化,創作時裝、美容、藝術等第一手內容。藝術為我們重點發展的領域。推崇輕鬆看懂藝術,作為行業先驅打造本土藝術時尚文化,籍此扶新生代藝術家,開拓本地藝術生態。

ZTYLEZ was founded in 2017 as a diversified platform with a focus on fashion and art. We are a team of professionals with global visions blend in with local culture to create original content specialises in fashion, beauty and art. Art is our key development area. Our mission is to enable art easily enjoyable. Being the industry pioneer, we promote local pop art culture, incubate new and up-coming artists to prosper an art ecosystem.