Hi! I upload videos for The Graceful Stratos, Danganronpa Online, and other things.

This channel specializes in presenting campaign recordings from Danganronpa Online, both my own and from other users. Many events that happen on DRO can be quite spectacular or high-budget, which led me to want to share the things that happen on it with others :)

More about the game itself can be found out at danganronpaonline.com.

To navigate through the longer videos here, I recommend:
-Using the LEFT + RIGHT arrow keys
-Skipping through long pauses
-Referring to timecodes whenever needed, to find specific parts!

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From time to time this channel may also experiment with uploads. I dabble in visual novel work as well, so you may see uploads about them every once in a while? Over the coming months I'll start to branch more out into game development, so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading gamers, and stay fresh!


Shared 9 months ago