Time travel in the discovery of french-speaking music, french production & francophone music "mainstream" or "underground", a wide range of various musical styles, in the past sixty years ... :) everything tracks arises from my collection of vinyl, digitized in my house.
🎙 Catch Maboul Basmati aka French Vortex every 4th thursday of the month, from 13h to 15h [CET] on Rinse France 👉 rinse.fr/
FaceBook French Vortex : www.facebook.com/frenchvortex/
Souncloud : French Vortex : soundcloud.com/user-212306431
Mixcloud French Vortex : www.mixcloud.com/maboul-basmati/
YouTube French Vortex : youtube.com/channel/UCIjnLUhH5XoZntlNfqsL8Uw
Instagram French Vortex : www.instagram.com/maboulbasmati/
Twitter French Vortex : twitter.com/MaboulBasmati