We discuss theories & experiences with the main intention is for everyone seeking to know our true identity. I had a NDE at 15yrs old. I operate in spiritual gift's & abilities and you can too. I am an ordained minister of spritual & physical truth applying wholeness into our life. I study ancient symbols and The Bible and share and love feedback. I share wisdom and knowledge gained openly. Awaken and break free of the fear propaganda, be the programmer of your reality. Remember, Activate, Apply, & Create, bring peace, love, and abundance for all. I can show you the door, but you must choose to walk through it. I do not claim to know it all, the journey is infinite we're constantly growing. This is why we share what we know & listen & grow! I also enjoy creating light hearted humor posts and I hope you enjoy them also. Be blessed in all you do, Welcome to Awake & Activate :)