Got a clip from an anime you'd like to see on YouTube? I'll upload it, if I can get the episode.

Fave series (includes all anime in the metaseries listed)in no real order
Ginga Densetsu/Nagereboshi Weed/Riki/Gin
FullMetal Panic
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Shin Seiki Evangelion
Akazukin ChaCha
Ranma 1/2

DO NOT ASK FOR DUBBED CLIPS! There are very few dubs I like. Some are decent (like Evangelion) but I will not uplod dub clips (unless it's making fun of something... BELIVE IT xDDD).

"Samus sends me to go work on a teleporter cuz shes all 'I can't be to close to a sexy and smart man who makes me rub my nipples. A girl like me has limits, you know.' And I'm all like 'You're a man, baby...'...and I eat babys." ~Smaus, Mocktroid episode 10