"...Linkin Park
It takes talent to yell at the top of your lungs like Chester Bennington. He does that raspy thing. It's amazing he does that night after night on tour and doesn't lose his voice. On "Minutes to Midnight" (Warner Brothers) they mix hip-hop with rock without sacrificing the integrity of either. The rock sounds like rock, and the hip-hop sounds like hip-hop. It's a guy rapping over an electric guitar, and it's beautiful. A bunch of groups have tried the rock-hip-hop thing, and they don't sound natural. It doesn't sound like Linkin Park sat around and said, "Hey let's be a rock group with a rapper." Their music doesn't sound contrived. They tend to tackle serious issues. Their lyrics make you think. There's nothing I hate more than a stupid song, or a song that makes you stupider.
New York Times - 2007.6.17...."
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