I'm Tom Turcich. In April of 2015 I left my home in New Jersey and set out on a five year, seven continent walk around the world. Nine years before leaving, at seventeen years old, a friend of mine died. Her death led me to realize I needed to make the most of life. I'm walking around the world to live deeply and see how my fellow man lives.

During my first four months I walked from New Jersey to Texas. Over those many nights of solitary camping I realized having a dog with me would make sleeping much easier. So in Austin, Texas I adopted Savannah.

Since adopting Savannah we have walked from Texas to Panama City, from Colombia to Uruguay, and from Denmark to Morocco. Over the next few years we'll walk from Europe to Mongolia, across Australia, then back across the U.S.

The World Walk is an adventure about living with intention and goodness. It's about pushing myself. It's about seeing how the world really is. And it's about a man and his dog on a very, very long walk.