"Jam!" is a self-organizing, community-based Underground Dance & Arts movement starting out in Bristol, UK.

Inspired by the history, culture & philosophy of Hip-Hop - peace, love, unity & having fun; through Music, Dance, Art & Word - "Jam!" was founded by Yoshi SBX in 2009, who started organising jams on the streets of Bristol, to empower & re-invigorate the local dance scene - regardless of age, race, sex, class, beliefs & so on - through the ethos of sharing, play & kinship with "each one teach one" being the main motto. Thus, a family-collective & movement was born, with an aim to help unite, build & sustain the heart, soul & spirit of dance culture with each other & the world.

Love & thanks to all who've ever joined us on this ultimate journey, however long or short, in your many, many ways. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.

One love from 2009 'til infinity, get live... "Jam!"