Be You.

Home to Uzuhan, Sam Ock, AMP, Promise, and NAK.


Media has long stood at the forefront of culture and has a profound way of speaking into the deepest parts of human nature. Its impact can spark movements, shift perspectives and essentially be life changing.

At Good Fruit, our passion is to engage culture with excellent, uncompromising, and influential media that will nourish souls and renew lives. This is the purpose and goal of Good Fruit work.

This hope is rooted in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, that "God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

The foundation of Good Fruit is rooted in the truth of Jesus Christ, who saves, redeems, and renews all things so that through Him we may produce good fruit.


Shared 9 years ago