Welcome to Serenity Dojo TV! Serenity Dojo TV is the main YouTube channel of John Ferguson Smart.

This channel was created to share regular videos on test automation, BDD fundamentals, Cucumber, Selenium WebDriver, Rest Assured, Cypress, and much much more!

What is the Serenity Dojo?
The Serenity Dojo is a unique programme of learning, carefully tailored to meet the leaning needs of Test Automation Engineers (and those looking to become Test Automation Engineers). With a range of stand-alone online courses, plus the well-regarded Serenity Dojo Expansion Coaching programme, the Serenity Dojo is the perfect place for those looking to excel in their field!

Who is John Ferguson Smart?
John is an International Speaker, Consultant, Author, and Trainer, well known in the Agile community, particularly for his expertise in areas such as BDD, TDD, test automation, software craft and team collaboration.
John is also the author of the best-selling BDD in Action.