Hi there, I'm Annie, AKA Arty Farty Annie, welcome to my craft room, where I have a go at all kinds of arts and crafts - I want to try them all, and my motto is "If I can do it, anyone can!". It makes my day when someone tells me they were inspired to try something and I love to see your projects inspired by my videos.
I hope you will enjoy watching my arty adventures here on YouTube - please say hello in the comments, share your ideas and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
You are also welcome to join our free Discord community or the Facebook group, where you can meet lots of lovely creative people, encourage each other, share ideas and inspiration or just pop in for a chat any time. You can find all the links here -
Thank you for visiting my YouTube channel, see you again soon xo


Shared 1 month ago



Shared 3 months ago