This channel is part of the Bogart 9 group. Always check the PlayLists. The Bogart 9 mediaSphere is part of the BabyOatmeal Franchise and the Mudshark in your mythology. And you know what that means, humor under the hood . Take a look at our book, "How To Predict The Future" yes it shows you how to see in the dark. Once you can do that you don't need to predict the future. Chris Carter invented cognitive cryogenic currency for geospatial health psychology using data visualization with temporal predictive link analysis. It's literally the cool new metric to have. For more Geospatial metrics using Jeet Kune Do visit project
Check out Bogart 8 Show its great but Bogart 7 is always good too, go for more at Bogart 4. Nothing makes sense. This is all not AI generated. Don't visit Bogart 5 it's not done yet. Ok you could visit. Then check back later. Visit Bogart 9.