alessandra roncone

Alessandra Roncone was born in Italy in the 80's. At the age of 15, during a beach party, she felt in love with a tune -a classic nowadays- called "Children" by Robert Miles; this led the way in Alexandra's love story with Trance music. At the beginning of 2012 Alexandra experienced a bad period of her life, so she decided to start djing to get herself out of the doldrums... Music helped her so much, and since that moment she has been aired in various radio shows and podcasts, booked in some local Clubs and few Italians Trance events including the FOS' Boat Party, where she performed alongside Ferry Tayle.
She loves playing mostly emotional stuff, getting inspiration from legends like Armin Van Buuren, Aly & Fila, Jorn Van Deynhoven, Sean Tyas, Ronny K, Andrew Rayel & John O'Callaghan. Alexandra's music can range from 126 to 140 bpm during her performances.
Her goal for the future is to improve her skills also on the music production side... stay connected!


Shared 10 years ago



Shared 11 years ago



Shared 11 years ago