Videos about electronics and amateur radio from the shack of VK3YE.
77 videos
VK3YE: HF portable wire antennas
Amateur Radio VK3YE
142 videos
VK3YE: Cheap and basic practical electronics
32 videos
VK3YE: Simple electronic test equipment
VK3YE: National park, reserve, summit, island and lighthouse activity
133 videos
VK3YE: Success with QRP operating
35 videos
VK3YE: Morse code communication and equipment
82 videos
VK3YE: LF MF HF & VHF radio spectrum exploring
17 videos
VK3YE: SummerLoop 21 - 50 MHz for pedestrian mobile
26 videos
VK3YE: Wadetenna 7 - 50 MHz pedestrian mobile antenna
72 videos
VK3YE: HF amateur radio pedestrian mobile
96 videos
VK3YE: Amateur radio equipment & equipment reviews
31 videos
VK3YE: Amateur radio video, book and magazine reviews
23 videos
VK3YE: Software defined radios (SDRs)
50 videos
VK3YE: VHF/UHF Field Days and portable SSB / CW operating
VK3YE: Magnetic loop antennas
21 videos
VK3YE: Homebrew crystal sets
28 videos
VK3YE: Antenna couplers galore!
VK3YE: Viewer Qs and As and live streams
223 videos
Amateur radio
VK3YE Antennas at home
97 videos
VK3YE: Radio circuit design, construction and experiments
27 videos
VK3YE: Homebrew CW transmitters and transceivers
58 videos
VK3YE: Beginner guides to amateur radio operating
VK3YE: AM activity and equipment (mostly 160 & 40m)
10 videos
VK3YE: VHF/UHF SSB pedestrian mobile
42 videos
VK3YE: Amateur radio contest, field day, special event and club station activity
VK3YE: Melbourne and Sydney city electronics history
6 videos
VK3YE: Homebrew superregenerative receivers
Micropower transmitters, beacons and tests
16 videos
VK3YE: Sounds of technology