Welcome to my channel, which is dedicated to fighting games. This channel was initially created with the intention of uploading KoF XI vids, and soon expanded to other fighters, mainly SF4-USF4, UMvC3, SFxT, Kof XIII, XIV and now XV.

When SF4 first launched, online matches were recorded and uploaded so that others could review my matches and give me pointers on how to improve. I have since started reviewing some of my matches and had an attempt at making some combo videos.

The channel has now grown to include highlights of various competitions and matches from other top level players.

XBL: derrace
PSN: derrace

My SF mains are Rufus and Menat

I've been working on (and off) a C# project to capture the essence of the Megaman X series. These are games I grew up with and remains one of my favourite. From time to time, I will upload a video showcasing progress. Unfortunately, I have not made much progress recently due to so many other commitments. =(


Shared 2 days ago



Shared 7 years ago