Hey, my name is Evert, a now already nineteen year old dutch person thingy. I try to create videos about everything I enjoy in my life, well not all of it, but the things I want to share with you the most. Right now this channel features mainly video gaming content, since gaming is one of the things I loved since I was little. To stand out from the crowd I spent a lot of time adding little animations to my video, to make the video more fun to watch and give the viewer more information. The name EverThingy is not only a anagram of 'Everything', it also contains my name. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me.
If there's anything you would like to ask, about my content or collaborations or just because "reasons" feel free to send me a private message on YouTube. Or even better, you can also join my Discord server and maybe when can play some games together. (Link below)
Keep on being awesome! - Evert
The business email is for business only, all other emails will be ignored.