This channel is being ran by NICKLAS ( which has been found by Niklas Ahorinta & Niclas Roms in late 2016. Productions are located in Helsinki, Finland.
Founders of the new ''freestyle'' concept called OFF THE BOOTH (OTB). Inspired from the UK.
OFF THE BOOTH [Europe] is a concept that represents mainly European artists & showcases their skills.
First season of OFF THE BOOTH was launched in August 2022.
Sit back & enjoy the songs and show some love if you feel like it.
Playlist called ''NICKLAS MEDIA - PORTFOLIO'' on our channel is our portfolio of the music videos we've made.
Playlist called ''PRODUCTIONS'' is a playlist which has nearly all the bigger productions which we have produced for other companies & more.
We appreciate all the constructive feedback & want to give back to the supporters at our Instagram @offthebooth or our music video / production Instagram OR even our personal Instagram's: @niklas.ahorinta @niclasroms