Life in a Mobile Home

11/14/2020 Update:

What's not to like about living in a vintage mobile home for the past seven years? Living on my own, I have saved up enough money to purchase a brick and mortar house or a condominium, whichever and whenever I choose. Or I can travel abroad, granted this Covid-19 pandemic allows me to do so. The point is, mobile homes are definitely worth considering if you plan to save money, retire or cut down on rent or mortgage payments, especially in California where a studio apartment easily rents for over $3.5k a month (reason I moved from the Bay Area to the more affordable, but sweltering hot, Central Valley). People of all ages are minimizing and moving into their RVs, tiny homes, campers, mobile homes, cars, choosing this alternative lifestyle by choice or necessity.

Saving money is my primary and priority objective. I upload a video whenever I get the chance, no glamour, tinsel or Hollywood effects here, so please enjoy, subscribe and see you on the inside!


Shared 55 years ago