Hi viewers

This music channel contains live concert and gig videos,one shot takes, without any lip syncs,inserts, overdubs or mime. What you see is what you get. Hope you enjoy and feel free to make subjective comments.(inappropriate will be deleted)
Video clips post 2006, see below ;
Editstudio 6 for multi-cam on HP Elite 8100 CMT Win7 Pro 64, i5 660 / 3.33GHz,500gb,6GB ram, Radeon 4650 1gb Graphics, pc:(post 2013 Powerdirector12ultra added)(post 2017 Power Director 14 ultra added) (post2020 PD19 Ultra added)
Cameras;Cannon XA 30, HF G25 (added 2018), xm2 (2), mvx30i, mvx10i,mv650i,mv450i:mvx350i: DM50 mic or wireless/cam mic. Panasonic TZ7, TZ35, TZ70
Zoom R16 (2). Zoom H1. Presonus studio one free


Shared 9 months ago