Greetings and welcome to my channel!

I am a black belt instructor from AIKIDO and I want to share with you my experience and growth. I am looking for an inclusive aikido, for people of all ages, since my purpose is to be very soft, gentle, effective and efficient. If you want to visit your city you can contact me.

You will also find in this channel VLOGs of different themes and my opinion of different subject and VIDEO GAMES my other great passion. Many people see black belts with great respect, and many instructors and sensei have such a big ego because of this; I would like to make a difference and that people can see me as a friend and an ordinary person. I have always believed that respect is earned by the person you are, not by the rank you have.

So to all my visitors, I hope with joy to become your friend and to enjoy this space to the fullest, to spend some time of entertainment and learn from this martial art.
