Martijn de Groot

Congregational singing of hymns mostly from three sound Calvinist churches: John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (Sun Valley, California), C.H. Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle (London) nowadays and Westminster Chapel (London) during the ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

My church in the Netherlands practices singing exclusively metrical Psalms in the service. More than twenty years ago we had a guest preacher, Dr. Pieter de Vries, who frequently quoted lines of English hymns from the pulpit, and my love for these hymns began! I started this channel originally just for myself, to learn the great old (and some newer) hymns by heart − in a very simple way. It is a tremendous blessing for me. I hope for many of my fellow Christians around the world as well. I’m grateful for the encouraging comments and messages I receive from all continents. Soli Deo Gloria!