Hi All
My name is Brian - i have been into trains since i was young - age 5 that i can remember. My collection spans over 30 years and still growing. Growing up in the 70's and early 80's - i mostly received Tyco as did many of you did either for Christmas - birthday or other occasion's. I do have newer HO scale trains such as Kato - Atlas - Spectrum and others. I started doing the Tyco videos for fun and to let others know about the variations - The response to these was more than i thought which has led me to doing more on Tyco train products - I am not going to cover every piece Tyco made - but do have more coming on Accessories and such. Thank you for watching and appreciate feedback. I also collect die-cast - mainly older Matchbox - Pocket cars - some Hot-Wheels and Johnny Lighting and other makes that appeal to me. I also have a 79 Ford F250 4X4 truck that i occasionally put video's up of and video's of Classic car shows i attend in my area as i also enjoy those.
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 11 years ago
Shared 12 years ago