Joel Z. Williams

Sometimes called "The Poor People's Advocate", Joel Z. Williams has steadily gained a sizable following on You-Tube mostly for his work helping people with limited funds fight against bedbugs. Please enjoy Joel's videos as he discusses a wide variety of topics including bedbug eradication, scale model building and other witty personal insights and helpful lifehacks. A true believer in helping the poor and unfortunate, Joel has made it his personal goal to respond to every question posted on his site.

Bio: U.S. Air Force veteran, Graduate of Missouri State University (B.A. History 2006) Attended Arizona Summit Law School (Phoenix AZ). Director of Products for Peaceful Operations, Inventor, Freelance Writer, Author of "Troops in Contact:The Amazing True Story of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, and Their Heroic Stand at the Battle of Wanat in Eastern Afghanistan (2009). "Hardknock: the Warmobbers (2014).


Shared 4 years ago