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Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Down on the ground this week exploring the everyday issues of people affected by their nation's politics. From the people of Kaliningrad, the last piece of Russia in the heart of Europe, to 'The Cost of Being Gay' taking a deep-dive into the ways LGBTQ+ are persecuted.

👉 Kaliningrad: Life Inside Russia's Military Enclave
Located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, between Poland and Lithuania, Kaliningrad is a piece of Russia in the heart of Europe. A curious territory, isolated from Moscow after the fall of the USSR, today transformed into a military fortress facing NATO. In Kaliningrad, headquarters of the Russian Baltic fleet, there are 30,000 soldiers, hypersonic missiles and nuclear capability.

We were able to enter this territory almost inaccessible since the war in Ukraine. In this closely guarded enclave, the journalists followed the elections for the new governor. The outgoing candidate, Antone Alikhanov, who is totally loyal to Vladimir Putin, renewed his mandate with 80% of the votes. Kaliningrad is under economic embargo by the European Union and its population is suffering. Foodstuffs are becoming scarce. The price of coal is exploding. But, fed by the Kremlin’s television propaganda, most of the population supports the war. Only the Europeanized youth dare to half-heartedly criticize the government.

👉 The Cost of Being Gay: Violence, Imprisonment, and Forced 'Therapies'
This hard-hitting documentary reveals the abuse suffered by the gay community all over the world. France, despite having legalized gay marriage in 2013, has seen a rise in homophobic violence in recent years.

In Tunisia, gay people can be sentenced to three years in prison, simply for their sexual orientation. When arrested by the police, they are subject to an “anal examination”, a humiliating procedure of no scientific value. Uganda is one of the 27 sub-Saharan countries in which homosexuality is repressed, with active state-encouragement of homophobia, and where homosexuality is punishable by lifetime imprisonment.

4 days ago | [YT] | 28

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

A couple of really amazing documentaries here, diving into world's you couldn't imagine - first out this week was the full series of 'Hezbollah', an eye-opening exploration of Project Cassandra, recounted step-by-step by the people involved. Then, we take you on a holiday you would give a wide berth at a travel agent as we follow the brave tourists packing their bags for North Korea...

👉 Hezbollah’s Rise to Power: How Global Crime Funded a Terrorist Empire
It’s widely recognised as a terrorist organisation, responsible for many atrocities including the Beirut port blast and destabilisation of Lebanon. But 42 years on, the ‘Party of God’, remains stronger than ever. It has transformed itself from a small paramilitary group backed by Iran into an omnipotent political party with the largest private army in the world. A ’state within a state’, whose extensive charity network ensures the popular support of the Shiite community while its military wing attempts to redraw the borders of the region and erase Israel from the map.

👉 Visiting North Korea: A look Inside the Last Soviet State
An unstable Soviet dictatorship, notorious for human rights abuses and known to be developing nuclear weapons, is probably the last place most people want to visit on holiday. But one travel agency, specialising in ‘danger tourism’, regularly organises trips in North Korea for tourists keen to meet ‘the last Soviets’. We join a group of three and travel around the country. Keen to experience first hand the realities of life in a totalitarian state, we even try to escape the official tour guide

1 week ago | [YT] | 53

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Heading to India this week on Deadly Roads with some absolutely wild behaviour on the highways - But have you given our exposé on betting a watch as well? Vote Below!

👉 India's DEADLIEST Highways Revealed | Full Documentary
With 450,000 accidents and 150,000 deaths every year, the number of deaths on Indian roads is eight times higher than that of the European Union. There are several reasons for these staggering figures. The roads themselves are built without asphalt or guardrails, and are used by a mix of carts, motorcycles, cars and animals. Northern India has nearly 380 million inhabitants, and among them thousands of farmers who travel only with buffaloes or horses. They also use the highways, risking their lives and causing spectacular accidents.

👉 Lives Ruined: Europe's Gambling Crisis Exposed | Documentary
Sports betting has always existed. But you used to have to go to a betting shop to do it. In the early 2000s, the birth of the internet and changes in EU regulation revolutionised the sector. As a result, the online market has grown from €250 million to €9.8 billion over the past 20 years. An increase of 4000%

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 33

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Another instalment of Deadly Roads this week - But do the Gangs of Papua New Guinea come out on top? Vote Below!

👉 Papua New Guinea: Gangs, Corruption, and Endemic Violence
Police violently battling murderous gangs. Endemic violence, extreme poverty, obscene wealth and corruption on all levels. Welcome to Port-Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

Last summer, a settling of scores between tribal clans left 32 dead. But that is nothing compared to what’s going on in the city. Here the police wage a merciless war against the Raskols gangs. In 2020, Port Moresby was ranked the 2nd most violent capital city in the world, just behind Caracas, Venezuela.

👉 USA's DEADLIEST Roads Revealed!
It’s the most dangerous road in Texas, and the second deadliest road in the USA. Someone is killed every two hours on Interstate 35, which runs from Dallas to Houston. Roads don’t get much more dangerous than this.

Hazards include speeding drivers or those don’t obey the rules of the road, people who use their phone while driving, drunk drivers, and even car chases. There are laws in place, but it’s rare for penalties to be imposed. Our film shows how some drivers of heavy vehicles take unnecessary risks. But the poor condition of the road doesn’t help the situation. The state of the road is hardly worthy of the wealthiest country in the world.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 21

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Two documentaries to get your blood pumping this week - But which wins? Vote Below!

👉 Bulgaria's Most Dangerous Roads: Caught on Camera
The roads in Bulgaria have one of the highest death tolls in Europe, second only to Romania. Every day, two drivers lose their lives on Bulgarian roads – twice the rate of many other European countries. It’s a tragic statistic for the country. Most dangerous of all is the Trakia highway. The traffic is heavy; the road carries 100,000 vehicles per hour. This trunk road has become the most dangerous in Bulgaria. The road itself is poorly maintained and peppered with potholes. Bulgaria is the poorest country in the European Union. Unfortunately drink driving and speeding are common, despite legal restrictions.

👉 Inside the Sinaloa Cartel: Secrets of Mexico's Drug Empire
Whether it’s opium, cocaine, marijuana or fentanyl, trafficking drugs earns the Sinaloa cartel an estimated three to twelve billion dollars per year. It’s a huge business, with more than 200,000 people in the region of Sinaloa alone, working directly or indirectly for organised crime. We gained exceptional access to several factions of the Sinaloa cartel. In the heart of a clandestine laboratory, the “cooks” showed us how drugs are manufactured and then concealed in vehicles to enter the United States illegally. An important leader of the cartel, protected by his heavily armed men, also agreed to meet with us and explain how the organisation works for us.

1 month ago | [YT] | 64

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

If you haven't watched them yet - What are you doing?? Hit the links and cast your votes!

👉 Planet Earth: Norway | Last stop to the Arctic
The crew find themselves at the frontier of Northern Europe and the Arctic - the Svalbard Islands. We meet Heidi - a glaciologist that lives year round in the Arctic Circle.Then we meet Aleksander Lyngberg. Lapland is an ideal terrain for him to live out his passions: fishing and snowkiting. Finally, we meet Terje Isungset. This musician and composer draws his inspiration from the elements of Nature. He is blazing new trails in music and doing the impossible: he makes ice music.

👉 The Rwandan Genocide: Women’s Stories of Survival in Rwanda
French soldiers based in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide stand accused of raping the women who sought refuge with them. Prisca, Marie-Jeanne and Concessa say they survived the Rwandan genocide and sought safety in refugee camps, only to be repeatedly raped and abused by the French soldiers sent there to protect them. All describe similar horrors: abduction from their tent, the gang rapes, and the photos of the assaults taken by the soldiers. “We naively thought that the white man was a saviour, that he would bring peace,” sighs one of the women. While the French army denies all accusations of rape, the three women filed a complaint with the French courts in 2004 and 2012. The investigation is now at a standstill.

1 month ago | [YT] | 48

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Time to choose again! Which video from last week stole the show?

👉 The Srebrenica Legacy: Can Peace Last in Bosnia? | Full Documentary
The agreement that ended the Bosnian War was signed in November 1995. But is this agreement imposed by the international community strong enough to guarantee future peace? This is the question posed by Sifa Suljic, a Bosnian from Srebrenica who ended up rebuilding her life in Catalonia. She is now returning to her country to bury the remains of her last family member to disappear in the massacre.

👉 10,000 ISIS Fighters: The Hidden Army in the Desert
In March 2019, the Islamic State was officially defeated with the fall of Baghouz, formally ending the caliphate’s claim to any territory. 27,000 men, women and children were taken prisoner. But the fall of Baghouz did not mean the end of ISIS. Its members have never accepted defeat, and the group has reformed to try and organise its return.

1 month ago | [YT] | 29

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

All about unmasking gangs this week, but which one deserves your thumbs up? Vote below!

👉 Inside Guatemala's Deadliest Gangs: Unmasking the Maras
Guatemala is one of the most violent countries in the world. 95% of murders remain unsolved and the ultra-violent maras manage drug trafficking, prostitution and racketeering in the country and spread terror among the population. After several weeks of negotiation, we gained access to some of these gangs.

👉 Torture Chambers & Billion-Euro Profits: Inside Amsterdam's Mafia
Over the past few years the Netherlands and Belgium have become major hubs for drug trafficking in Europe. Almost 80% of the cocaine in Europe has passed through either Rotterdam or Antwerp. This has led to a new phenomenon: the “Mocro Mafia,” Dutch people of Moroccan origin who are engaged in the criminal underworld.

1 month ago | [YT] | 42

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Which video from last week had you hooked? Let’s see the votes!

👉 Russia's Most Dangerous Roads: Caught on Camera
Russia is the continent’s most dangerous country in terms of road safety. More than 18,000 people die on the roads there every year. But since the 1990s, drivers started equipping their vehicles with on-board cameras as a bulwark against police corruption and traffic conflicts. Now, more than one in four vehicles is equipped with an on-board dash camera.

👉 A Year in Gaza: Training to be a War Surgeon | Full Documentary
Riccardo, an Italian final-year medical student, is going on Erasmus. The destination: Gaza, a war zone. His friends are shocked. However, it is important to him as he wants to become a war surgeon and is writing his thesis on explosive bullet wounds. Entering Gaza is not easy, he needs permission from three different authorities: the Israeli army, the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas.

Upon arrival at the Islamic University, he is welcomed by the chancellor and interviewed by the local and international media. Riccardo starts to feel the pressure: his experience will determine the success of the exchange programme. The imminence of war doesn’t help and he starts suffering panic attacks.

This improves as Riccardo makes friends with some young Palestinians, who advise him how to handle his anxiety. But when war is rekindled, Riccardo has to make many difficult choices. In crossing the border between Israel and the Strip, Riccardo also crossed the boundary between adolescence and adulthood, a journey of personal struggle that will test whether or not he truly has the strength to pursue his dreams.

1 month ago | [YT] | 28

Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips

Two videos, one winner! Which gets your vote?

👉 Athletes: the Dark Reality Behind Sports Stardom | Sports Industry Exposed
Eager for achievements, records and rankings, the sports industry has become a well-oiled grinding machine. Countless champions end up physically and psychologically broken by the hellish pace of the sporting calendar, which forces them to keep pushing the natural limits of the human body. With cyclists feeling obliged to dope, hockey players committing suicide and football players lost to dementia, has professional sports gone too far?

👉 Frontline: Inside the War Against ISIS | Full Documentary
In December 2014 ISIS militants managed to completely surround the town of Sinjar in Iraq. The Yezedi Kurdish residents of the mountain town, which lies about 50km from the Syrian border, are trapped. But they are not beaten. Xavier Muntz was dropped by helicopter into Sinjar and spent three weeks among the inhabitants as they fought for their lives and their homeland.

2 months ago | [YT] | 31