Healthy Mom Happy Family

Hi! I'm Erin- A registered dietitian showing busy moms how to make time for health, even when they have no time for themselves while fighting diabetes in the process! The ONLY channel on YouTube dedicated to moms working to lower blood sugar and fight against type 2 diabetes!

I'm a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and mom of three! Since becoming a mom, I realized just how difficult it can be to take time for your own health while making sure to take care of the needs of your whole family. That's why I am so passionate about helping all moms find time for health, even when it feels like you have no time for yourself.

'Finding time for yourself can be hard, but getting healthy doesn't have to be. Let me show you how...'
-Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE

Want more tips, recipes, and advice on surviving motherhood while preventing diabetes? Come join me:

#registereddietitian #diabetes #diabeteseducator #dietitian #healthymomhappyfamily