Theodor Bastard combine Russian texts with glossolalia and shamanic spells as easily as they change instruments on stage. Yana Veva and Fedor Svoloch (the band founders) compose music not only within the band, they regularly record soundtracks for popular computer games. Over many years they have sharpened the art of weaving complex sound canvases where the listener feels like in a labyrinth.
From album to album Theodor Bastard carefully and masterly combine many different exotic and traditional instruments. The special northern atmosphere of they music is created with Nordic nyckelharpa and jouhikko, primeval flutes made from tree roots and shamanic percussion. And as always, the leading role in the music belongs to the voice of Yana Veva, exciting and bewitching by its deepness.
Theodor Bastard take the listener to unexplored places where the earthly plane and the spiritual world are separated only by a very thin ghostly veil.


Shared 4 years ago