Marketing by Emma

Hello, I'm Emma Schermer Tamir! By day I'm the CEO & Co-founder of Marketing by Emma. Always, I'm insatiably curious free spirit and a voracious learner.

Since 2016, my partner and husband, Erez, my team, and I have had the privilege to help over 1,000 businesses from around the world boost their sales and build their brands online.

Through our thoughtful approach and winning strategies, I've also had the incredible fortune of become a leading expert in the field of selling on Amazon. Whether speaking on stages across the globe, leading our team, or working with clients, my goal is to empower everyone to create better product pages, Amazon listings, and website copy that makes brands' dream customers excited to click "Add to Cart!”

With this channel I hope to touch on topics of e-commerce marketing, Amazon listing optimization, entrepreneurship, tools, systems, personal development, and so much more. If you have a topic idea, please share!