Hello Youtubers My name is Brian please subscribe to my channel for more videos
if you want
I use PowerPoint alot because I think it's a good program
Stuff I do on PPT
Grounded PPT
Other PPT
Don't forget to check out my channel :-)
Most favorite
Show: Some like My Little Pony Friendship is Magic , Mixels, Ben 10, Nick Jr shows like Bubble Guppies, Dora
Movie: Whinnie the Pooh
Food: Bacon
Subject: Science
Games: Mario and Kirby games
Song: Si no le contesto and Old House songs
User: AngelJacbo101 and NightFalls Studios
Least favorite
Show: IDK maybe some
Food: Shrimp/Any kind of seafood except for Tuna Burger
Games:IDK but I don't like violent games
Song: Some songs like Shake it off
User: Possibly None
My YouTube channel has PowerPoint videos for entertainment and education
Used the most: Microsoft PowerPoint
Used the least or never tried: GoAnimate
Respect my opinion and Don't call me Nicktoons Do not give me negative comments on my channel.