We're a bunch of guys who have a lot of dumb fun and just so happen to film nearly everything we do.
We started off as a group of friends who met in a jr. high school drama club in San Diego, CA. While we've always made videos, they were never meant for a public audience. They were only meant to be entertaining to ourselves and our friends. For that reason, we had only ever uploaded our videos on MySpace. Unfortunately, in June 2013, our page was converted to "New MySpace" which was terrible. Thus, we decided to move all of our videos here to YouTube.
Since then, we've kept on making nonsensical videos and continued to add them here. We've also gained more friends along the way who have been willing to join in on the fun.
Anyway, if you've managed to find this channel and you don't actually know us... you should probably stay away. Seriously. Our videos are pretty old and pretty bad (bad in several ways as well as super embarrassing). Don't watch!