Body Dynamics, Aether Physics & The Matrix.

EFFORTLESS Strength and Movement Through Body POSTURE, Body FLOW and Body AWARENESS.

Internal Martial Arts, Structural Isometrics, Elastic Power, Relaxation, Self-Healing and Rejuvenation, Bio-Electro-Magnetics, Mind-Body Connection, Life Force Energy and "AETHER PHYSICS". Also I talk about the state of the world and how we might "build a better world!

My name is Toby and I have been doing body work, energy work and meditation for most of my life. Mostly Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. But also different martial arts, Yoga, healing, Taoist and shamanic practices. I also have a degree in physics (nearly did a Phd in theoretical physics - I chose not to!) and I have always been searching for the answers to the universe and the Life Force!

I am also working on a technology that could help to create a better world. See our website here:

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