The dictionary created by Nicki Minaj to walk pedestrians through her vocab and terminologies.STEP YA NICTIONARY UP!!!
Official Secret Society Barbie Statement :
Im a GIRL \ and Im RICH \ its BARBIE \ YOU little BITCH!!!!!
AckOrgiddyWay ItchesOrgiddyBay: \ˈaktˈ-orˈgi-dē-wā-ˈiches-orˈgi-dē-ˈbā\: adjective
1: the barbie pig latin term for whack bitches.
Alfred Bitchcok : \ˈal-frəd ˈbich ˈkäk\ : noun
1: a term of endearment from one bitchy Harajuku Barbie to another. Generally used amongst BFFs.
Bad Bitch Check : \ˈbad ˈbich ˈchek\ : verb
1: is when a bad bitch looks in the mirror prior to an event in which stacks are involved.
Baldy Locks : \bal-dē-läks\ : adjective
1: Good head.
Balloon Boy : \ba-ˈlōⁿ-bȯi\ : noun
1: the adopted lady bug of barbie nation.
2: the oracle.
BarbieBoomBox : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbüm-ˈbäks\ : noun
1: a device out of which the Barbies fetch music is played from.
Barbie Detention : \ˈbär-bē -di-ˈten-chən\ : noun
1: When the Harajuku Barbie herself puts one of her barbies on time-out for stating or doing something totally unfetch.
*only the HB can remove a barbie from Barbie Detention. Length of stay may vary.
*While on BD a barbie is required to do any task the HB asks of her in order to regain her position as a BARBIE. Tasks may vary.
Barbie Juice : \bär-bē-jüs\ : noun
1: ice cold pickle juice in a glass that barbies drink to experience a sudden blast of EUPHORIA.
Barbie Powers : /ˈbär-bē-pō-ər/: noun
1: to beam your thoughts to another Barbie without speaking.
2: to put a hex on strawberry shortcakes by wiggling your fingers at them.
Barbies Phone Number:
Basement : \bās-mənt\ : verb
1: the act of stepping ones twig&berries / cookies DOWN.
2: the opposite of penthouse used when one is too cocky.
BFF :/b-f-f/: noun
1: Barbie For FuckinEver
Bustitbarbie :\ˈbəst-ət-ˈbär-bē\ : noun
1: a naughty barbie who knows how to make it up on her final exam.
Cater to your Ken Day :\kā-tər-ˈtü-yər-ˈken-ˈdā\: noun
1: One day a month when Barbie stops being a diva and grants her Kens every wish.
Chin Check : \ˈchin -ˈchek\ : verb
1: when an HB gets out of character to explain her fabulosity.
Chuckles : \ˈchə-kəl\ : verb
1: when a Harajuku Barbie laughs at the expense of one of her friends.
CopyRightin Infringements :\ˈkä-pē-ˈrītən-in-ˈfrinj-mənts\: noun
1: girls that claim to be rappers while enlisting the help of ghost writers.
Doll House :\ˈdäl ˈhaus\ : noun
1: a place where a Hara