- Jesus died for our sins. Believe in Jesus to have your sins washed away.

- Eternal life is where the rubber meets the road. Jesus is the Way, people.

- A well-known evangelist once said his main regret was the time he spent reading books about the Bible... at the cost of reading the Bible itself!

- I try very hard to comprehend the Bible's historical environment and world view of the book's era... and have discovered nothing but sheer royalty.

- Christians should pray every day, rest on the 7th day, and meet whenever they want to.

- 'The gates of hell will not prevail against His church' actually puts the gates of hell on the defensive.

- All roads lead to Rome... except a narrow Way leading to life. Matthew 7:14

- Science becomes "satan" when satan becomes "science."

- Proper theology ought to reference chapter not verse!!

- Our Maker knows where it's at.