Legally blind, enthused retro gamer, half baked video maker!

Basically grew up on the mighty C64 and, somewhat less mighty, Videopac (Odyssey 2 in the US). Over the years I've enjoyed a great deal of systems and games. One of which was Philips' own failed system, the CD-i. Being Dutch, it was kind of hard to escape the bloody thing in the early 90's! Seeing that the format was not getting much (positive) attention, I figured I'd try and do something about that.

You'll find reviews, let's plays, vlogs and other random stuff I figured would be fun for whatever reason. Been at it off and on ever since 2008, so there's quite a few video's on here already. Any good? Well, you can be the judge of that and let me know in the comments. Always appreciate any feedback and enjoy learning along the way!