Hi, my name is Nahu.
I have been a researcher of psychic phenomena for over forty years.
I'm interested in quantum physics, neuro-science, inventing, cutting-edge theories, extra-terrestrials, UFOs, ghosts, out-of-body traveling, lucid dreaming, ESP, mind-over-body and dislike doctors, narrow-minded scientists, skeptics, medicine, and dependency on pharmaceuticals and capitalism.
I enjoy writing, poetry, philosophy, body-building, basketball playing, martial arts,sprinting, dancing, drumming and tapping the infinite potentials of the mind...
I have no interests in stereotypes, drinking, drugs, racism, guns, conservative views, bullies.
My Motto is: One World - One Love.
Am I opinionated? Heck Yes! But I also respect the right of others to their own views.
If you can live with this welcome aboard~Nahu