Please ignore this dead channel


*~Family nd friendz lyke family~*
Sister: pieizgdandbobizcool
Brother: rockyrockpoochypoo

U say pink
I say black
U say Zac Efron
I say Pete Wentz
U say Paris Hilton
I say WTF????????
U say Pop
I say Rock
U say im werid
I say im diffrent

92% of the teen population would be dead if Hollister decided breathinq wasnt cool!!! Post this on ur paqe if u would be part of the 8% lauqhing hysterically in the backqround!

96% of the Teen population would panic if Miley Cyrus was a bout to jump off a 100Story building. Post this is ur one of the 4% screaming "JUMP, SKANK JUMP!" :)

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