Rich & happy with George Grow.

Our community supports you to advance yourself according to the motto Grow with the Grow.

We are not an enlightenment movement; we are a movement for enlightened ones.

We are a no-work-community.

Our goal: Easy Go/Pura Vida. Be as rich & work as little as possible, and therefore, let's advance you & the world together

We call ourselves Gowans.

We see ourselves as pioneers & market leaders in the context of Complementary Culture.

A Paradise for dropouts, heretics & revolutionaries/in mind.

Inner & maybe also outer dropout.

Super cool conditions for reside, working & living in our headquarters in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, India and Hungary.

Dropout trial.


Successful as a franchise partner/digital nomad.

Up to 8T/month & more.

As laid out in George M. Grow's Books of Life, we have three visions on the radar:

1. The renewal of the function of the good.

2. The renewal of the democratic function.

3. The renewal of the religious function.