What's up everyone, my name is Mario, AKA UBeeNStryKeD, AKA, SwoRNLeaDejZ. Swornleader was a handle I came up with years ago when I used to be into gaming, and has been my name on YouTube ever since. My real name is Mario, and I am an Android, PC, and programming enthusiast. I work full time, have kids, and a life, and YouTube is only a hobby right now (although, I would love to change that).
If you enjoy my videos, or have learned something, or I have helped you recover an otherwise bricked or useless device, please consider contributing to me on Patreon. With your donations, I plan to put much more into the channel (EVERY single dollar you donate will go directly into content) and it would help me A LOT (cameras, editing software, mics, etc. cost a lot).

If you read all this, Tweet @ me w/ #Stryked for a chance to win something special.